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Is Cultured Stone Cheaper Than Natural Stone?

Cultured stone fireplace built by Lennox Masonry in Victoria BC

Cultured Stone Fireplace

The short answer: No! And here’s why:

As a masonry contractor in Victoria, B.C., Lennox Masonry has the pleasure of working with locally quarried thin stone veneer and full stone veneer on a regular basis. And while we are asked to quote on the odd cultured stone project, we typically try to sway our clients over to the natural stone side by citing the following reasons: 1. When it comes to the installation of cultured stone veneer, the process is no different than that of applying thin stone veneer. Thus, the labor costs for a professional stonemason, depending on the type of finish you're after, are typically the same. 2. Cultured stone is an unquestionably inferior product in every aspect, even when it comes to savings. Natural stone provides greater insulation, less maintenance, can withstand pressure washing, is able to be cleaned with a heavy-duty cleaning solutions, retains less moisture, is eco-friendly, and is well equipped to handle our infamous freeze/thaw cycles in Victoria, BC. Also, its surface and natural beauty will not fade over time, unlike cultured stone.

3. The initial cost of thin stone veneer, when locally quarried and distributed, can not only compete with the cost of cultured stone but, in some cases, cost less when the aforementioned factors are taken into account. However, the majority of natural stone products typically cost, on average, a dollar or two more per square foot/linear foot, than cultured products, initially. But, once again, when we weigh the initial cost difference, next to the long-term benefits of thin natural stone veneer, well, the savings become apparent through the investment of natural stone.

House in Victoria BC clad with thin River Rock veneer by Lennox Masonry

Lennox Masonry - Thin River Rock Veneer

Are you located on Vancouver Island, the Victoria, BC area, or even on the surrounding Gulf Islands and in need of a professional stone mason for your next project? With years of experience in the field of masonry, Lennox Masonry is well equipped to handle and address your specific needs.

Please, Give Us A Call At: 778-968-6574

As always, if you have any questions, please, comment below or write to us at

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Lennox Masonry of Victoria, BC has been proudly serving both Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands for over a decade. We are small group of skilled masons with a great deal of passion towards our trade and for improving the communities we live and work in. We extend our gratitude to the lək̓ʷəŋən people for allowing us to share and work on this corner of the garden with them. We are thankful for the residents and businesses of Victoria, BC for supporting us in our endeavors!

If you’re in need of a professional and reliable masonry company for your next project, please contact us today!

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