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Becoming A Stonemason in Victoria, BC

Stonemason drilling through stone in Victoria BC with Lennox Masonry

I know of nothing so rewarding nor therapeutic as hammering and chiseling stone. There is a certain and entirely unique melody to the sound of the tools as they reverberate with each crash and instill chaos within quiet spaces. But what it really comes down to is the inherent creativity involved with stonework. Each and every masonry project presents itself as a canvas must to a painter. The mediums of expression and the tools with which to explore them may differ, yet the act is one and the same. Rock hammers, chisels, and trowels mimic the brushes; mortar becomes the paint.

Stone fireplace shaped like a flame built by Lennox Masonry in Victoria BC

I am then type of person who requires a great deal of variety from this life and the environment in which I find myself. This particular trade provides an abundance of just that. Stone application techniques vary with each job, as does the type of stone and the finish desired. Brick, block, cultured stone, natural, thin and full veneer stone... it always varies, including the necessary type of preparatory work and desired finish. Stonemasonry is a trade which incorporates many other aspects of construction, such as carpentry, concrete forming/pouring/finishing, landscaping, and also hardscaping. You find yourself constantly learning and experimenting with each new project, making it difficult to master a definitive facet beneath the masonry umbrella. But, personally, this is what I particularly enjoy about this industry: the endless pursuit of mastery.

Indoor stone fireplace built by Lennox Masonry in Victoria BC

Residing and working in Victoria, BC, has afforded me the ability to focus mainly on natural stonework, as Vancouver Island is littered with local stone quarries, making natural materials a fully accessible and affordable resource. Blast-rock walls are often woven into the building codes as the "mainstay" for residential retaining walls within this region and are, appropriately, a much more cost-effective construction method. This, in turn, provides stonemasons, such as myself, with an abundance of projects in this coastal environment. The career of a stonemason involves many laborious tasks and can be quite grueling work at times. However, the physical aspect of this trade lends itself to a highly rewarding line of work, both physically, creatively, and with enough knowledge and experience, financially. I would not hesitate to recommend this occupation to anybody wishing to enter the construction industry. Stonework cannot help but keep you in great physical and mental shape, as you are continously moving your body, problem-solving, and learning with each new day. Here, at Lennox Masonry of Victoria, BC, we are always eager to work with and employ individuals who are passionate about constructing timeless works of art through the medium of stone. If you feel as though stone masonry may suit you as a career choice, please, contact us today to receive further details.

Stone house in Victoria BC built by Lennox Masonry

Are you located on Vancouver Island, the Victoria Area, or even on the surrounding Gulf Islands and in need of a professional stonemason for your next project? With years of experience in the field of masonry, Lennox Masonry is well equipped to handle and address your specific needs.

Please, Give Us A Call At: 778-968-6574

As always, if you have any questions, please, comment below or write to us at

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Sean Lennox,

Lennox Masonry, Masonry Contractor, Stonemason, Victoria BC

Lennox Masonry of Victoria BC stone logo

Lennox Masonry of Victoria, BC has been proudly serving both Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands for over a decade. We are small group of skilled masons with a great deal of passion towards our trade and for improving the communities we live and work in. We extend our gratitude to the lək̓ʷəŋən people for allowing us to share and work on this corner of the garden with them. We are thankful for the residents and businesses of Victoria, BC for supporting us in our endeavors!

If you’re in need of a professional and reliable masonry company for your next project, please contact us today!


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